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France 2 Francs Chambres de Commerce 1926

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The 2 Francs 1926, issued by the Chambres de Commerce de France, is part of a series of emergency coins introduced between 1920 and 1927 to address the post-World War I shortage of small change. Although initially intended as temporary trade tokens, these coins remained in circulation for many years.

The obverse features Mercury, the Roman god of commerce, seated on a caduceus, symbolizing trade and economic prosperity. He is depicted extending his hand to Industry, reinforcing the essential collaboration between commerce and production. The central inscription "BON POUR 2 FRANCS" (Good for 2 Francs) signifies its role as a substitute for standard currency.

The reverse displays the inscription "CHAMBRES DE COMMERCE DE FRANCE" (Chambers of Commerce of France) along the outer edge, with the year "1926" inscribed at the bottom. A wreath of oak and olive branches surrounds the design, symbolizing strength, stability, and peace.

Struck in nickel-brass, this coin is a valuable historical piece reflecting France’s economic adjustments in the early 20th century. A must-have for collectors of French trade coinage and post-war numismatics!

Circulation Coins
Coin Cardboard
Bronze Alluminium
Diametr (mm)
Coin Grade
Fine (F)
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